Amiens boasts high level healthcare facilities – not only does it have the university hospital, but it also has one of France’s best private clinics.

Healthcare in France is essentially free, but you will need to take out health insurance. To find out your rights or to register:
The regional council helped with the setting up of the Maurice Ravel Health Centre, which is located near what will be the Citadelle university site and which offers a range of services.

Useful contacts
- Amiens Picardy University Hospital – standard: 03 22 08 80 00
- The Family Planning Clinicat Amiens Picardy University Hospital – 03 22 08 74 05, at the university hospital’s south site, provides information and advice on:
- Contraception
- Pregnancy tests
- Access to abortions
- Screening for STIs (HIV)
- Sexuality
- Family or relationship difficulties
- Problems linked to adolescence
- The Centre for the Prevention of Transmissible Diseases – 16 and 16A Rue Fernel – Quartier St Leu
- appointement necessary
- Information, screening (AIDS, hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections) and free treatment
- Screening, treatment and monitoring for individuals who have been in contact with someone with tuberculosis
- Making sure you are up to date with vaccinations
- Advice and vaccinations for going travelling
- Le mail, which specialises in prevention, care and issues linked to addiction. +33 3 60 12 26 27
Do you know “Angela”? This is a codeword that is used to flag up uncomfortable or unsafe situations. If a woman feels she is being harassed or bothered, she can go up to the bar in partner establishments and ask, “Where is Angela?”, which is a discreet way of notifying staff without arousing the suspicions of the person doing the harassing. The victim will be taken to an isolated area of the bar and allowed to charge their phone so that they can phone someone, book a taxi or contact the police.